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Pilot pays a visit to Scout Group

Published: Fri 08 Dec 2017 at 11:11

Updated: Mon 11 Dec 2017 at 12:01


It was a Scout Meeting to remember for the 24th Glasgow (Bearsden) Scout Group when Captain Victor Marshall came to visit and provide them with valuable knowledge to help them earn their Air Activities badge.

Captain Marshall is Deputy Pilot Base Manager at Glasgow Airport, and he paid the Group a visit to talk to them about his career in aviation, and well as what it takes to become a pilot.

He also took the group through a typical day of operations at the airport, and gave them some handy tips to get their budding flying careers off the ground.

With the Scouts working to complete their Air Activities badge, he helped them get a real insight, and taught them about various terms related to aircraft as well as some basic airfield rules.

After his talk, Captain Marshall then presented the group with various goodies including advent calendars, pens and model aircraft.

The group are well on their way to completing their badge thanks to the visit and we wish them all the best!

Captain Victor Marshall, Deputy Pilot Base Manager Glasgow said: “It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm of the 24th Glasgow (Bearsden) Scout Group. As well as a real passion for aviation, the boys also demonstrated a great understanding of the industry, and with that knowledge and attitude there could well be a future generation of pilots about to emerge from the Group!”

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