Arrivals & Departures

Find out about the times and statuses of our flights. Simply select a departure and arrival airport or enter a flight number and select 'Go'. Just so you know, you may have seen that this information is available 72 hours before travel, but it’s actually only available for departures in the next 24 hours and arrivals in the last 48 hours.

Important travel information

Unfortunately, the third-party system providing our updated flight information will be down for maintenance between 22:15 23 April and 05:30 24 April. The flight times shown on this page between those times will only be correct as of 22:15 on 23 April. Please don’t worry, we’ll contact you via SMS and email if your flight time changes.

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Information Before You Travel

Last Updated: Tuesday 23rd April 2024 - 22:00 BST

Please check this section of the website at least 12 hours before your flight for the latest flight information.

Customers are advised to arrive at their departure airport at least 2 hours before their scheduled departure time.

In the event of any flight delays further information can be found by using the above search panel by entering your flight number or route. As a reminder check in desks will close 40 minutes before your scheduled departure time.

Rest assured, in the event of flight disruption our dedicated Operations teams are always working hard behind the scenes at our UK-based HQ to get you on your way as soon as possible.

Please check this section of the website at least 12 hours before your flight for the latest flight information.

Customers are advised to arrive at their departure airport at least 2 hours before their scheduled departure time.

In the event of any flight delays further information can be found by using the above search panel by entering your flight number or route. As a reminder check in desks will close 40 minutes before your scheduled departure time.

Rest assured, in the event of flight disruption our dedicated Operations teams are always working hard behind the scenes at our UK-based HQ to get you on your way as soon as possible.

Majorca (Palma) Terminal Maintenance

Last Updated: Tuesday 23rd April 2024 - 22:00 BST

There is currently maintenance work taking place at Majorca (Palma) Airport. We are working with the airport to ensure that any disruption to your airport experience will be kept to a minimum.  our friendly Customer Helpers will be on hand to help. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding should you experience an extended wait time, which is beyond our control.


All flights will be using check-in desks 188 to 203 and will board from Module A

There is currently maintenance work taking place at Majorca (Palma) Airport. We are working with the airport to ensure that any disruption to your airport experience will be kept to a minimum.  our friendly Customer Helpers will be on hand to help. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding should you experience an extended wait time, which is beyond our control.


All flights will be using check-in desks 188 to 203 and will board from Module A