
Home / News / Community / Kris the Pilot’ visits Beaver Scouts

Kris the Pilot’ visits Beaver Scouts

Published: Fri 03 Mar 2017 at 13:32

Updated: Fri 03 Mar 2017 at 13:50

Community, Announcements and Jet2holidays First Officer Kris Smith recently paid a visit to the 5th Spen Valley Beavers in West Yorkshire, helping them to achieve their Air Activities badge.

Jo Addison from our Marketing Team arranged the visit after meeting Kris, when he was on the business development section of his Pilot Apprentice scheme, from which he has since successfully graduated.

‘Kris the Pilot’, as the boys and girls named him on the evening, showed a very excited room a video of various aircraft and told the childern how aircraft are able to fly. He also let the children explore what’s in a ‘Pilot Bag’, including his iPad and route planning app, pilot’s licence and high-visibility vest.

The visit concluded with the children bombarding Kris with questions, including: “What do you eat for lunch when you’re flying?!”

The feedback was extremely positive with the children returning home to tell their parents about their visit from ‘Kris the Pilot’.”

Kris commented: “I loved the enthusiasm of the group, and it's great that they seemed to be so excited and genuinely interested. It’s another reminder for me that the job I have is a very special one!”

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