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Lara Beach - The Best Beach on Cyprus

Published: Fri 21 Dec 2012 at 11:51

Updated: Fri 21 Dec 2012 at 11:58


What are you looking for when trying to find the perfect beach holiday? If you are looking for clean sands that extend as far as the eye can see and azure blue waters as clear as the cloudless sky above you, then you may want to consider heading to the island of Cyprus; in particular Lara Beach. The beach is located within Lara Bay and aside from the green and loggerhead turtles that come ashore here, you could find it practically deserted.

Why This Beach?

You may think that when you have seen one beach you have seen them all, but this beach and Lara is special.  It is a haven for wildlife, not only the turtles that struggle out of the water and onto the sands but for the Monk Seals than come to the caves located around the edges of the peninsula. 

As this is a beach favoured by the turtles, you are not permitted to use any equipment that could damage any turtle nests that could be hidden beneath the sands.  It could be said that because there are no sun loungers or beach umbrellas allowed here that many people choose to bathe elsewhere, but all that means is that the beach is peaceful and quiet, perfect for relaxing.

Summer Holidays

When you are booking your summer 2013 holiday remember to take advantage of the cheap flights to Cyprus that are on offer from  Visit Lara Beach and discover for yourself why it is such a favourite with the turtles. 

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