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Property is Booming on the Costas

Published: Fri 09 Nov 2012 at 10:56

Updated: Fri 09 Nov 2012 at 11:03


The demand for property in the Spanish Costas has experienced something of a boom lately with September seeing a major rise in property sales. It seems that despite the economic gloom that has swept the world recently, people are still looking for ways to enjoy the sun, sea, and relaxation that owning a property abroad allows them to experience. 

Spain is proving to be the number one destination of choice for those looking to escape the doom and gloom of home. The demand for Spanish property has now outstripped demand for holiday homes in the US which has been at the top of the most desired destination list for years.

Good Investments

Spanish property is a good investment, especially as prices are fairly low at the moment. House prices are still dropping across the country in response to the Eurozone crisis which means that there are plenty of bargains just waiting to be snapped up by the prospective investor. Spain is not the only European country to see a rise in the demand for property, as Portugal is also proving to be extremely popular, but it is Spain that is seeing the greatest rise in interest.

Property Sense

The demand for overseas property is now at the highest it has been since 2008, with the exchange rates working in the favour of the buyer. The Spanish Costas have always been a cost effective holiday destination, but it seems that now it is even better value to visit. Make the most of the good value by booking your 2013 holiday to the sun early; cheap flights to the Spanish Costas are always available with

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