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Body Builders Take Prague by Storm

Published: Tue 06 Nov 2012 at 17:46

Updated: Tue 06 Nov 2012 at 17:47


Prague saw the arrival of some of the most toned and tanned body builders in the world this week all hoping to walk away with prize money of $200,000. The EVL Prague Pro Body Building & Bikini Championships were held at the TipSport Arena by the IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders). 

Those travellers who were visiting the city on a weekend city break had the chance to view some of the most incredibly sculpted human forms imaginable as they all took to the stage to show off their musculature and incredibly deep tans.

Taking the Title

It was James ‘Flex’ Fox that walked away with the title in the 212 section, along with $10,000 in prize money, while the open competition was won by Dennis Wolf from Germany who scooped a massive $60,000 prize. 

As the title of the competition suggests this was not for male participants only with the women participating in the Bikini Pro portion of the competition, along with the amateur competition which offers participants a step up the ladder to becoming professionals. It was Canadian Justine Monroe that took first place, with her sculpted physique ensuring her the $10,000 prize.

More than Muscle

It is not all about the muscle though as points are also awarded for beauty and femininity in the bikini competition. Though you may have missed the competition this year you can still take advantage of cheap flights to Prague through, and see everything else that the city has to offer.

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