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Things to Know When Considering Holidays to the Greek Islands

Published: Tue 30 Oct 2012 at 14:41

Updated: Tue 30 Oct 2012 at 14:42


Flights to the Greek Islands are very popular and three of the main reasons are the wonderful climate, local cuisine and the superbly sandy beaches. Here are some things to consider when heading off with to this wonderful part of the world:

• While there is no need to learn the language, it can come in handy to know at least a couple of words. ‘Thank you’ in Greek is ‘efharisto’ and ‘please’ is ‘parakalo’

• Trying the local cuisine in Greece is a must when on holiday there. The local tavernas are generally inexpensive and there is a wide range of cuisine available. Many tavernas are situated in locations where you can sit outside and watch the sunset while enjoying local cuisine

• When eating in tavernas, be sure to try the local open wine. This is typically sold in red and white, while some offer rose too. The wine is of good standards and is relatively cheap

• Getting out and about on local buses is an inexpensive way to get around Greece. However, checking timetables is essential as often buses do not run very frequently

• Bear in mind that table etiquette is typically different in Greece. Generally, you will use the same cutlery throughout the meal and do not be surprised if the courses of the meal arrive on the table at the same time. You may also find that the meal is not served piping hot, but warm instead

• Finally, when considering flights to the Greek Islands, you may wish to pack certain essentials. These may include a torch for walking home at night, as streetlights can be poor, and take plenty of insect repellent with you as well

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