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Volunteers Turn Out to Save the Turtles in Cyprus

Published: Thu 27 Sep 2012 at 11:16

Updated: Thu 27 Sep 2012 at 11:18


Every summer hundreds of turtle eggs hatch out onto the beaches of Cyprus, and is a time when the North and the South of the island come together to ensure that as many of the baby green turtles survive as possible. The event occurs in late August and the hatchlings are cheered on and encouraged by volunteers and onlookers, as thousands of these tiny creatures make their way towards the sea. 

People have been known to book cheap flights to Cyprus in order to be there for the mass hatching, so that they can not only marvel at the wonderful spectacle but also lend a helping hand where necessary.

Shine a Light

The baby turtles are guided into the water by the moon, its light reflecting on the surface of the water. Yet if on the night of the hatching the sky should be cloudy and the moon nowhere to be seen, the volunteers will take to the water themselves, standing waist deep in the water shining torches onto its surface in order to guide the hatchlings home. 

It is a very emotional event, with only perhaps one tiny hatchling out of a thousand growing up to be an adult, so everything possible is done to increase their chances of long term survival.

Once in a Lifetime

This is an event that not only touches the heart but opens the mind to the wonders of nature. To ensure you don’t miss this unforgettable trip, start planning your trip to Cyprus now and snap up cheap flights from

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