The date you've selected is only available for package holidays with our sister company Jet2holidays.
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We know you’re looking for extra peace of mind these days, which is why our travel insurance is rated 5* by Defaqto, underwritten by our trusted partner AXA and includes cancellation, medical and COVID-19 Cancellation and Medical Cover. For even better value, we offer free cover for kids, with an adult policy, and pre-existing medical conditions with over 200 automatically included. So you can buy our policies with confidence, knowing you’re protected against the unexpected. Please see below for full details.
Our wide-ranging 5* defaqto-rated policies are underwritten by AXA and include all this as standard…
*Charges apply
Add to an existing booking or buy a standalone travel insurance policy
Add to booking Buy standalone policyPlease see Covid Cover and Waived Conditions Explained, Policy Wording and Insurance Product Information for full details.
Last updated: 14th April 2023, 8:43am