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Ultimate School Trip Roadshows hit the UK

Published: Wed 29 Nov 2017 at 09:29

Updated: Thu 14 Dec 2017 at 18:37

Community, Announcements

Yesterday in Belfast we hosted that last of our Ultimate School Trip regional roadshows, which have been out and about in schools across the UK, spreading the word about our competition.

Over the few weeks we have visited 15 schools across our nine UK bases, telling 1000’s of pupils about what is up for grabs on this school trip of a lifetime, as well as how they can enter.

We have entertained children (and teachers!) with TV stars Dick and Dom, as well as characters from Sol Katmandu Park & Resort, including yetis Kumar and Maiya. As you can see from some of the pictures, there has been plenty of fun and laughter, and the reaction to the competition has been incredible.

For those who we could not visit, the Ultimate School Trip will see nine classes and their teachers spend a long weekend (Friday 20th April – Sunday 22nd April 2018) at Sol Katmandu Park & Resort in Majorca where they will take part in fun educational workshops with celebrity hosts, including Dick and Dom. The workshops will focus on science, history, drama and crafts, as well as giving pupils all the excitement you would expect from a school trip overseas.

In addition to the educational trip of a lifetime, winning classes will get to experience a range of one-off memories such as VIP send offs at the airport, a welcome dinner with celebrities, and the ultimate school disco and show.

To enter, pupils are challenged to produce their own promotional piece for Sol Katmandu Park & Resort. It could be a poster, a video, a song or a story , all we are asking is that you jet-power your imagination! The judges, including Dick and Dom, will create a shortlist of five schools in each of Jet2holidays’ nine airport regions, which will then go to a public vote, with the final nine class winners announced on Tuesday 13th March. What’s more, all 45 shortlisted schools will receive £1,000 worth of school equipment vouchers.

For more details and to enter, visit and entries must be submitted by Wednesday 28th February 2018.

Since hitting the road we have had over 1,000 registrations for entry packs, so we are looking forward to receiving some fantastic entries.

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