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Cub Scouts earn badge after visit

Published: Mon 06 Feb 2017 at 16:30

Updated: Mon 06 Feb 2017 at 16:33

Community, Announcements

The team at Glasgow Airport were on hand last week to help a group of Cub Scouts from Johnstone achieve their Air Activities Badge.

The group visited the airport to be given a tour of one of our Boeing 737-800 aircraft by Base Captain Hugh Urquhart who answered a number of questions about flying and aviation, before they each took a turn to sit in the cockpit.

As well as getting to look around the aircraft, the Cub Scouts were given a tour of the airfield to help them understand more about airside operations. As a result of the visit, they met all the requirements needed to achieve the badge and on top of that they also left with branded goodies, pens and model aircraft.

Hugh Urquhart, Base Captain at Glasgow Airport said: “It was a real pleasure to show the Cub Scouts around and give them an in-depth look at our operation. As well as helping them pass their badge, I hope we’ve inspired them to consider a career in aviation because their knowledge of the industry truly was first-class.”

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