Cheap flights to Denmark

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Fly to Denmark in November and immerse yourself in Scandi-style city breaks and ski getaways around Copenhagen. Whether you’re visiting family or friends, the central attractions or the pistes further out, there’s plenty to experience. You’ll be captivated by Tivoli Gardens at Christmastime, and the nods to Hans Christian Andersen.

Our map shows outbound fares for one adult. You can select your return flight once you’ve decided on your destination!




Couronne danoise (dkk)

Décalage horaire

Identique à la France

Sights between flights

You’ll be spoilt for awe-inspiring landmarks in Denmark. Nyhavn is renowned for its colourful houses, while the Frederiksborg Castle complex is ever so majestic. Kids will enjoy the brick-built fun at the LEGO House, too. A trip to Esbjerg will afford you views of the incredible Man Meets the Sea sculpture of giants.

Exploring in winter

If you’re prepared to bundle up in thick coats and woolly hats and scarves, it’s well worth getting stuck into the activities on offer around Denmark. The nation’s keen on cycling, but you don’t just have to explore on two wheels – how does bridge walking, sailing a Viking longboat or winter bathing sound?

Danish feasts

You won’t get far around Denmark without finding smørrebrød on the menu. These classic Danish open sandwiches are typically topped with local delicacy raw herring, hard-boiled eggs or cold meats and vegetables. Got a sweet tooth? You can’t beat a sticky Danish pastry with a pick-me-up coffee.

Upgrade to a city break to Copenhagen

La Rambla
  • Return flights

  • 2-5 star accommodation

  • 10kg hand luggage

  • 22kg baggage

  • ABTA and ATOL protected

  • Great flight times