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26th June 2024 - Potential Delay to Turkey Flights

Last Updated: Wednesday 26th June 2024, 18:20 BST

We wanted to let you know that due to adverse weather conditions affecting Turkey, you may experience a delay to your flight today.

To keep the delay to a minimum we will aim to board your flight to the original scheduled departure time so we are ready to go. Our friendly crew will keep you up-to-date with any new information and we will have you on your way shortly.

To check the latest information on the status of your flight, information can be found by using the above search panel by entering your flight number or route. As a reminder check in desks will close 40 minutes before your scheduled departure time.

We wanted to let you know that due to adverse weather conditions affecting Turkey, you may experience a delay to your flight today.

To keep the delay to a minimum we will aim to board your flight to the original scheduled departure time so we are ready to go. Our friendly crew will keep you up-to-date with any new information and we will have you on your way shortly.

To check the latest information on the status of your flight, information can be found by using the above search panel by entering your flight number or route. As a reminder check in desks will close 40 minutes before your scheduled departure time.

5th July 2024 - Italian Ground Handling Strike

Last Updated: Wednesday 26th June 2024, 22:15 BST

We wanted to let you know that we are aware of Industrial Strike Action taking part in Venice on 5th July 2024, supported by third party handling services. We are not expecting this action to have any significant impact to our flights arriving or departing from Venice and all flights are expected to depart as scheduled. Rest assured, in the event of flight disruption our dedicated Operations teams are always working hard behind the scenes at our UK-Based HQ to get you on your way as soon as possible. 

We wanted to let you know that we are aware of Industrial Strike Action taking part in Venice on 5th July 2024, supported by third party handling services. We are not expecting this action to have any significant impact to our flights arriving or departing from Venice and all flights are expected to depart as scheduled. Rest assured, in the event of flight disruption our dedicated Operations teams are always working hard behind the scenes at our UK-Based HQ to get you on your way as soon as possible.