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Information Centre Specialising in Castles Opens in Prague

Published: Tue 04 Sep 2012 at 09:23

Updated: Tue 04 Sep 2012 at 09:24


For the first time, visitors to Prague will be able access a wealth of information in order to discover and see for themselves the many legendary castles and chateaux in the country.

The Czech Republic’s National Heritage Institute, which runs many of these historic buildings, has opened a new information centre in Prague dedicated to promoting visits to these wonderful sites.

Many who visit Prague quickly learn that there are more exquisite architectural gems dotted throughout the entire Czech Republic, including Prague Castle, which dates from the 9th Century.  

Many Historic Buildings to Choose From

 As well as Prague Castle itself of course, many commentators recommend a visit to the historic buildings of Lednice Chateau, Cesky Krumlov, Duchcov Chateau and the delightful Karlstejn.

According to the National Heritage Institute’s Tomas Brabec, there are in fact over 90 such buildings under the control of his organisation:

“…what we have been missing is a place where people would have complete access to our activities in the capital”, he said.

At we are of course aware that many people take cheap flights to Prague in order to make the most of the city’s beautiful architecture. Our customers also visit Prague to experience its exciting nightlife and the warmth and superb quality of the local hospitality.

With the launch of a new centre and the subsequent opportunities to see so many of these majestic buildings, taking advantage of the numerous cheap flights to Prague for a second or third return trip could well be in order.

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