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Vineyard Tours – A New Dimension to the Costas

Published: Fri 31 Aug 2012 at 10:01

Updated: Fri 31 Aug 2012 at 10:04


Not so long ago the wine that we associated with Spain was the stuff that we drank on holiday and thought very little of however, these days Spanish wine is found on family dinner tables around the world.  

If you have taken to a trip to any of the Spanish Costas only a couple of years ago you would have found that all of the vineyards would have been closed to the public, keeping their business safely behind closed doors.  This is not the case anymore.

Travelling Inland

For a change from the usual holiday on the beach and in the bars along the sea front, make the trip inland and get to see for yourself where the excellent and often robust wine that you are drinking is made.  

Some of the wineries have even gone so far as to construct purpose built visitors rooms and tasting areas, whereas others offer nothing more than a glimpse of a working vineyard and the opportunity to buy some of the produce.  A quick search online of the area you are staying in should be able to tell you which vineyards are open for visitors.

Red, White or Rose?

There are many different wines to choose from and you may find that you are spoilt for choice while you are there, but you will definitely return with not only a greater understanding of Spanish wine, but also the knowledge that there is much more to Spain that just the tourist filled areas of the Costas.  Check with for cheap flights to the Spanish Costas, and get a real taste of the region yourself.

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